Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dicing & Splitting India further & the resulting catastrophe!

I am a big fan of Dr. Singh and Chiddu but the crass mind of many a silly politician in India knows no diplomacy or decency. We all know that our parliament has an almost 70% of such jokers. Who sadly do wield tremendous vote banks of ignorant and poor masses that can steer up a real ruckus that no decent Indian in public life can easily handle BUT cave in to the hysteria?

Venom # 1: Ajit Singh (former Charan Sing's son), who wants Harit Pradesh carved out of UP

Venom # 2: The Haryana gang of Chautala & Sons may need another

Venom # 3: The North Eastern States low lying despots

Venom # 4: Other UP, MP and Bihar despots

Venom # 5: Mulyam and Laloo may also want their share of the pie for them and their sons and progeny.

If hunger strike until death works for a "K. Chandrashekar Rao from AP & in the bargain can reap Telengana for himself" then it will work for us too, they are likely to think and rally a band to sit at the gates of Parliament and hunger away.....NO matter what ever justifications may be righfully advanced for this new State of Being and its coming into existence!  Its a signal that will launch countless more demands on similar lines and newer justifications still!

Please pause for a moment and think about the fissures and fractures this can cause to the unity of India.

Some fools say: USA has 50 States lets have 50 too!  How idiotic to think like that!  What do the people who say this know any thing beyond the 25  to 30 miles of the radius of their peanut brains???

Forming a State is that easy right?  All it takes is a hunger strike by a prominent leader and the Nation's government will come on its knees!!!

Growing up in India, even though I am from Kerala, my parents ALWAYS told me and taught me and my sisters that: "YOU ARE FIRST AN INDIAN before you are a malayalee.  NEVER have parochial tendencies as an Indian.  Respect every language, every religion and every culture and its people within India." 

Venom # 6: Worst of all do you think others of AP will yield to giving away Hyderabad that easily to Telengana???.....the list of madness and its resulting calamities& how it can keep India down could go on ad-infinitum! The founding fathers saw this and that's the reason Indian States were largely carved out on linguistic lines.

What really has gone wrong is: Corrupt minded and self seeking politicians and their money power over ignorant masses coupled with a wacko Indian bureaucracy that needs uprooting and revamping and an archaic system called Parliamentary democracy (that when misused & hijacked) always fails and can fracture development. Which as you and I will agree is most important in India. DEVELOPMENT at various levels.

SO BE AFRAID! INFACT you and I and all of right thinking Indians and Indians worldwide need to be very afraid of what a bunch of fools can do to paralyze India by way of agitations, mass hysteria and passions running wild. Can you imagine the calamities.......and financial costs.....I do not want to go there.

YES none of it has happened so far. But it could....that's what I wrote about and it’s just a serious opinion.

So do not "pooh, pooh" the matter that simply, my friend.

I know my blog is hard hitting, but analyze it carefully and you will realize it’s not "jumping to conclusions".

The potential to foment trouble of the proportions I am talking about: within the Indian Union is scary, no matter how much it may be down played. What also happens is that decent politicians such as Dr. Singh and Chiddu ….like minded folks like us who may not be used to hard bargaining tactics of the crass politician can easily cave in... ...You need a Late Sardar Patel kind of dynamic or a politically savvy mind of the former Sir Chetpat Pattabhirama Ramaswami Iyer, KCSI, KCIE (Tamil: சேத்துப்பட்டு பட்டாபிராம ராமசவாமி அய்யர், Malayalam: ചേത്തുപ്പട്ടു പട്ടാഭിരാമ രാമസ്വാമി അയ്യര്‍) (b. November 12, 1879–September 26, 1966), also called "C. P."

NO, I am not calling for the separation of Former Travancore in Kerala as another State....please do not get me wrong. All I am saying is we need a person or persons with the iron will to catch the "Bull by the horn, quell violence and any nonsense" and deal with real issues confronting India......Possible???...... Then I am relieved!

No more Splits and Dicing of India please.

We are a people group and we should think INDIA and Development on all fronts and not let some foolish politicians resort to the easy route of abusing the Father of the Nation by subtle misuse of Gandhigiri, to suit their selfish ends!

Please Bureaucrats and right thinking Politicians of India rally around and STOP the menace of "Indian Batwara"!

We are now becoming a laughing stock on the world arena too!


Is'nt that SAD!

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Pulverization & Decimation of India: not from outside BUT sadly from within!

A mad bull has been let loose on Indian terra firma, that's what I infer from the recent demands for new Statehoods growing like a can of worms. Foolishness knows no end!
Self seeking politicians, no good politicians who wield fiefdoms almost like Maharajahs see their great chance to become “Chief Ministers” and a weak central government of Coalitions is confabulated and finds its self increasingly on a sticky wicket.

Will this be the beginning of the end just when India seemed to be a powerful Union and a force in the Sub continent & the world.

Will there ever be a moment when the Nation's people groups collectively resolve to say: “We will never again say “Hum Nahin Sudherenge” ever again???? We need to change and change for the better of man kind and the world!”


Mahatma Gandhi and India's founding fathers died in vain for India's freedom from the British Raj and what Winston Churchill opposed all along i.e. Indian Independence, seems to be staring at us like a ghost in the wake of seeking deliberate rampant pulverization & decimation by India by its own people some 60+ years after Independence. Where once they shed their blood for the unity of India, some 60 some years later we are watching a spectacle unfold that seems to suggest that India is breaking up????

The neighboring nations are watching, the world is watching and now India looks very vulnerable.

The greatest enemy of India is not a neighboring nation: be it China or Pakistan or a militant Nepal or Sri Lanka. Its its own foolish self seeking politicians and the lack of political will to change the stupid parliamentary Form Of Democracy that Indian politicians continue to enjoy as this present system keeps their coffers full and overflowing.  An empty mind is the Devil's workshop.  That empty mind is that of the reckless & insipid politician of India.   The rotten lot!

The best way out for India is an imposition of a Temporary form of Emergency and then revamp the whole system to a Presidential Form Of Government and rapid development to quell the madness of newer state hoods by resortin to "fast until death" scenarios.  In a land where self imolition is not uncommon (very similar to the Jihadists) this madness will only snowball into a major storm in time to come, if not seriously addressed through an Emergency or another drastic measure by the Legislative Arm of Indian Democracy!

I see this Telengana Virus becoming an epidemic and it has the potential to paralyze India or Bharat or Hindustan as its know.

God save India! Stop the menace of new state hood demands and instead kill ancient archaic bureaucracy and illiteracy and catch the bull by the horn and develop rapidly to change the tide!

DEVELOPMENT with a Capital D of India's infra structure, education, health reforms, annihilation of dying British Raj Style Bureaucracy is the only hope for India and not every day new demands for state hoods by a bunch of bandicoots and irrational politicians!

Wake Up India and Indians and let saner council prevail!  The world needs a United India and not a fractured India or an India that washes its dirty linen in public in the full glare of the world media!  Jai Hind!

Note: I was spurred to write this blog after watching the recent spate of political violence in India, for new statehoods.

Case in point: http://ibnlive.in.com/news/centres-nod-to-telangana-spurs-demand-for-9-new-states/106852-37.html

I love India too much to ever want the title of my blog to ever come true!  May that never be the case!

Thanks for reading folk!  As always your comments are very welcome!